Sunday, June 10, 2012

We finallly made it up to the top of "The Tower." If you see postcards or pictures of Jena they are usually of the area near where we live. In the middle of most of those pictures is a large round tower. These are taken from the top of that 500' tower. Once I got over the dizziness I was able to enjoy the fabulous, although rainy, view!

 The men went bowling one day. It is much the same as in the States except the pins hang on cords. The scoring graphics are entertaining. They had a great time!
Walking home from the car we saw this Booze Bahn; maybe something like a Booze Cruise?

The language is frustrating to me but I love the sound of it, I am learning a little everyday and can understand more but not enough to formulate much of a sentence. All meetings we attend are in German. Duane and I were sitting in a planning meeting (PEC) this last week (everyone there speaks both languages except for me and the Ladies' President) and he was interpretting the things I needed to know. He told me it would be a good time to bring up the sewing class I have been wanting to start. I did my pitch, in English, the Branch President interpreted for the Ladies' President who said she loves to garden. He smiled and told me she is a Master Gardener and would love to help. Wait. What? One of the other men said, "No, no, Sister Lee is talking about s e w sewing, like chug a chug a chug a with a machine and fabric not s o w sowing seeds." It took a few seconds before everybody got it and started to laugh. I still don't know if I'll be teaching a sewing class or a sowing class - they obviously haven't seen my gardening skills. In the meantime I need to learn Deutsch for sewing and sowing.

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