Friday, March 16, 2012

Thursday nights we host a German class, a religion class (Institute) and dinner. Last night was especially international. England, Lithuania, Germany, Guatemala, Romania, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Persia, Iraq and America were all represented although not all in the picture (and our friend from China was in Sweden.) They all speak their mother language, German and English. We introduced them to St. Patrick's Day with green necklaces, banner (thanks Dave and Marie) and chocolate cake with green frosting - they didn't get it. One thought she was getting prayer beads when given the necklace. (1/2 of these are not members of our church) We had a hootenany after our Italian dinner, lots of laughing and we came home exhausted!!


  1. Okay, I spelled it wrong - hootenanny. A guy played the guitar and everyone sang along. Lots of different accents but they knew Beattle songs! :)

  2. How do you say "hootenanny" in German?
