Sunday, September 23, 2012

We must have had a busy week because we don't have many pictures. I've been working on a quilt for our next baby - I have a great sewing machine but it is tempermental, doesn't like to sew in straight lines and must like to hear me threaten its life every time the thread breaks. So, I gave up on matching seams of little pieces and started over again with a bigger, easier pattern.
We had a crazy match of ping pong one night and a week-long Fall Fest (similar to Sausage Fest in Richland) only there is no Bier Garten (it's everywhere). It was so fun to sit and people watch while we ate Currywuerst mit pommes. We don't know why all the celebrating but there have been fireworks most nights, a carnival and activities everywhere - what a fun place to be!


Sunday, September 16, 2012

 What a full, fun and rewarding week! We spoke in church, had a fun Home Evening, took treats to a sick friend, visited members and not-yet-members, toured the Document Center in Nurnberg, went to an uplifting Zone Conference, had a delicious dinner at a Mexican restaurant with friends from Colorado and Utah who are serving here, helped clear out brush and garbage for a walking path in a "Clean Up Jena Day," and walked through a city fair that had wonderful food, old cars and tons of people! The "Clean Up Jena Day" had 10 projects throughout the city. We made new friends while we worked (one from California) and saw way too many mice. The organizers said they were amazed by all the people from different countries who were volunteering at all of the projects. Dinner was served afterwards at the City Hall that was built in 1465. It was a great experience, hard work and fun to talk to so many people from different walks of life.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

 More castles (Wasserburg), more historical sites (Goetha and Schiller in Weimar), more food and more silliness (Jena and Nurnberg) - all add up to more fun.

We have had so much fun with the girls this week.  It's going to be hard to let them go home tomorrow. We went to Eisenach where the Wartberg Castle is - the place where Martin Luther translated the New Testament. Eisenach is also the home of Johann Sebastian Bach. We spent a lot of time eating and laughing in between walking and exploring.